Thursday, May 27, 2021

eJPT Study Schedule

I recently completed my eJPT Junior Penetration Tester Certification. I prepared for the test by doing the Penetration Testing Student learning path through INE, which is currently free if you sign up for their Starter Pass.

The course is a combination of slides, videos, and labs. It was a great experience and I highly recommend it. I completed the coursework in 16 days, and a breakdown of my study schedule is included below.

I worked on the course for approximately 1.5 to 3 hours each day, though there were a few weekend days when I had extra time and probably did more like 5 hours. Several of the labs took a little longer than I had initially expected, because I had to try multiple approaches at times.

Here's my study schedule, sorted by session number:

You'll notice I jumped around at times, so here's the schedule sorted by day:


If you plan on testing for your eJPT, good luck and have fun!